If this is true, then Rove is looking at a bunch of heavy duty federal indictments that not even his chow boy, bush, will be able to bail him out of. Purjury will be the least of his problems. I believe Acts of Treason will be the bigger hammer. If this is true, then finally it will be put to rest that the White House itself was the leak. And, the contention that it was to discredit Plame's husband for stating that the Niger documents were false will finally, finally see the light of day...
Check out these numbers, month by month, then ask yourself if we are really making progress. Remember, these are only the US numbers. Forget the Numbers Link Visuals make it real for those who don't have any sense of what 1,723 really means. Now, imagine what this web site would look like if it included the Iraqi numbers. But, who's counting them? So, I guess we'll never really know. I have been struggling with the question of whether we should "stay the course" in order to pr...
Dubya's dependence on others' weaknesses are not going to sustain him anymore. His reliance on the Kerry discreditors can no longer float his boat. The election is over. He now has to stand on his own merits and accomplishments. He has to stand on his own record. Problem is, Dubya's record is abysmal. He's squandered the surplus. He mired the US in a horrific war that was not necessary and was based on lies and selfish interests. His environmental record is appauling, and he hir...
This article if for those who think that the Iraq invasion was not about oil. Notice the time line presented here by Palast. In fact, Bush and Co. were meeting with various oil executives prior to the invasion, and PRIOR to 9/11 trying to figure ways to oust Saddam and take over the Iraqi oil fields. Maybe it really is time for impeachment, but look who is behind Bush. In order to set all this right, you'd have to take the whole lot of 'em down together. They are all crooks, and they ar...
This is an exerpt from a Boston Globe article. I find it particularly interesting, because it finally, finally is articulating what so many people who either were against the Iraq invasion from the beginning, such as myself, and others who supported it, but now do not, or are merely quesioning the sanity of this endeavor. Also, it really seems to be the first instance that I have come across wherein the Downing Street Memo is now being carefully scrutinized by Congress. It's about time. ...