according to MSNBC Analyst
Published on July 2, 2005 By zinkadoodle In Politics
If this is true, then Rove is looking at a bunch of heavy duty federal indictments that not even his chow boy, bush, will be able to bail him out of. Purjury will be the least of his problems. I believe Acts of Treason will be the bigger hammer. If this is true, then finally it will be put to rest that the White House itself was the leak. And, the contention that it was to discredit Plame's husband for stating that the Niger documents were false will finally, finally see the light of day in mainstream media. And, maybe, maybe it will be the beginning of the end of the dubya dynasty. This country is long overdue for a regime change.


MSNBC Analyst Says Cooper Documents Reveal Karl Rove as Source in Plame Case

By E&P Staff

Published: July 01, 2005 11:30 PM ET

NEW YORK Now that Time Inc. has turned over documents to federal court, presumably revealing who its reporter, Matt Cooper, identified as his source in the Valerie Plame/CIA case, speculation runs rampant on the name of that source, and what might happen to him or her. Tonight, on the syndicated McLaughlin Group political talk show, Lawrence O'Donnell, senior MSNBC political analyst, claimed to know that name--and it is, according to him, top White House mastermind Karl Rove.

Here is the transcript of O'Donnell's remarks:

"What we're going to go to now in the next stage, when Matt Cooper's e-mails, within Time Magazine, are handed over to the grand jury, the ultimate revelation, probably within the week of who his source is.

"And I know I'm going to get pulled into the grand jury for saying this but the source of...for Matt Cooper was Karl Rove, and that will be revealed in this document dump that Time magazine's going to do with the grand jury."

Other panelists then joined in discussing whether, if true, this would suggest a perjury rap for Rove, if he told the grand jury he did not leak to Cooper.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 02, 2005
Ohhh.... An MSNBC analyst. Well, surely that makes it so. Might be good to wait until actual facts are available, though, don't you think? I believe there've been a couple of cases where speculative reports actually ended up being wrong. At least one, I'm almost certain.

Kind of funny in a way - an analyst using an anonymous source to leak the name of an alleged anonymous source.

This reminder from the Joe User Suicide Prevention Team, zink - Bush's term in office will end ~1-20-09, no matter what. However, the way things are going, that may offer rather cold comfort.

on Jul 02, 2005
All the analysts had deep throat pegged with their insider information, too, huh?. People have been trying to "get" Rove from day one. People have publicly announced they want to see him led away in handcuffs, and they don't care how they get it done.

Maybe this is their way. I find it hard to believe that people can recongnize the abuses of the administration without recognizing the potential for this kind of witchhunt from the other side.

"It's of keen interest to me to see whether or not we can get Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs. And trust me, when I use that name, I measure my words." -- Joseph Wilson(D)

Now, maybe they can get the press to help out a bit. How wonderful for Lefty character assassins that only the Left is innocent until proven guilty in the court of Democratic opinion...
on Jul 02, 2005
Who ever it turns out to be, once they have been identified they should be charged and tried. If they are found guilty they should be punished as the law provides.
on Jul 02, 2005
Ohhh.... An MSNBC analyst. Well, surely that makes it so. Might be good to wait until actual facts are available, though, don't you think? I believe there've been a couple of cases where speculative reports actually ended up being wrong. At least one, I'm almost certain.

Kind of funny in a way - an analyst using an anonymous source to leak the name of an alleged anonymous source.

This reminder from the Joe User Suicide Prevention Team, zink - Bush's term in office will end ~1-20-09, no matter what. However, the way things are going, that may offer rather cold comfort.


He never said whether they were true or not. He said IF these speculations are true, Karl Rove is in deep shit.
on Jul 02, 2005
"He never said whether they were true or not. He said IF these speculations are true, Karl Rove is in deep shit."

Yep, the great "IF" weapon of the Left. Doesn't matter if the sh*t sticks, it just needs to leave a smudge...
on Jul 02, 2005
thanks, Latour. It doesn't matter whether I said "if this is true.." Repugs just hate it when the left points out that one of theirs may be dirty as dirt. I'm just waiting for someone to come in and blame Clinton.
on Jul 02, 2005
why wasn't novak subpoenaed?
on Jul 02, 2005
Very good question. He is, after all, the only reporter (for lack of a better term) that actually reported the Plame identity. My guess is that he was working with the White House all along, and is busy cutting a deal with them, in the name of national security. For all we know, he'll be the next Supreme Court nominee.
on Jul 03, 2005
Well, since you were clearly giving Rove the benefit of the doubt by using the "if" qualifer, presuming him innocent until proven guilty, I assume you take the same respectful attitude toward his "chow boy."

on Jul 03, 2005
From what I've already read, Rove's chow boy is guilty as sin. But, because neocons and conservatives run congress and the white house, he will not be brought up on charges. At least, not until they fall from their dubious graces.
on Jul 03, 2005
Who ever it turns out to be, once they have been identified they should be charged and tried. If they are found guilty they should be punished as the law provides.

This Rove situation will endure in the political spectrum of stark partisanship. The climate in Washington is to take down your enemy at all cost. This is a negative trend that will affect any politician who appears to be vulnerable. I don’t see how this is a good thing.
on Jul 03, 2005
From what I've already read, Rove's chow boy is guilty as sin. But, because neocons and conservatives run congress and the white house, he will not be brought up on charges. At least, not until they fall from their dubious graces.

What have you read? An "analysts" opinion. As most accusations against Bush, Rove, and the other people the left hate the most, you have absolutely no proof of your accusations.
on Jul 05, 2005
Still waiting for proof.
on Jul 05, 2005
From what I've already read, Rove's chow boy is guilty as sin. But, because neocons and conservatives run congress and the white house, he will not be brought up on charges. At least, not until they fall from their dubious graces.

Why won't you answer Island Dogs claim? Is it because he's correct and you've been caught?
on Jul 05, 2005
It's really unfortunate people can be so ridiculous and deliberately blind. Of course the serious crime of outing a CIA agent is on the backburner. A sane American would demand to know how this all came to pass, for we all know this action is treason and should be condemned. But no. Instead we have people insulting people, making fun of people, taking political sides, and again the result is:
What Democracy Really Means
Like I've always stated, the party system is deliberate in its intent. Here we have an action of treason, and you idiots talk politics and sides and vendettas and all that shite. Maybe if you blind leading the blind would ONLY address the issue then something could be done about it. F**k the fact someone may be a Democrat, F**k the fact someone may be a Republican. Deal with and only with the very real issue of an act of treason which jeapordized an American agent's identity and by extension their life. Rove didn't commit treason because someone was a Democrat. Rove didn't commit treason because someone was a Republican. He did it as a punishment directed at someone who crossed his political line.
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